1. To provide uncommodified community space in both organized and unstructured contexts.

2. To offer the usage of our space and resources to the Los Sures community for their educational, organizational and recreational needs, as well as their health and wellbeing.

3. To make our space, facilities and collective services available to artists and activists for the manifestation of their work.

4. To provide services and activities like music lessons, exercise classes, political education programs, creative workshops, digital archiving, and cassette-tape duplication for free or at affordable rates.

5. To provide access to revolutionary ideology and activity — fundamentally and organically — by propagating an inclusive atmosphere redolent of those ideals.

6. To provide access to rare music through our mixtape programs and revolutionary music listening library.

7. To function as a venue for performances, readings, film-screenings, educational programming and activist meetings across a broad spectrum of aesthetics, origins, and intentionalities.

1. To provide uncommodified community space in both organized and unstructured contexts. 2. To offer the usage of our space and resources to the Los Sures community for their educational, organizational and recreational needs, as well as their health and wellbeing. 3. To make our space, facilities and collective services available to artists and activists for the manifestation of their work. 4. To provide services and activities like music lessons, exercise classes, political education programs, creative workshops, digital archiving, and cassette-tape duplication for free or at affordable rates. 5. To provide access to revolutionary ideology and activity — fundamentally and organically — by propagating an inclusive atmosphere redolent of those ideals. 6. To provide access to rare music through our mixtape programs and revolutionary music listening library. 7. To function as a venue for performances, readings, film-screenings, educational programming and activist meetings across a broad spectrum of aesthetics, origins, and intentionalities.


2024 NYC Anarchist Bookfair

September 20/21/22

Music Festival Thursday 9/19 and Friday 9/20 at P.I.T.

Thu 9/19 7pm: “¡A Las Barricadas!” : 100 Years of Anarchist Music with Josh MacPhee

Fri 9/20 5pm: Donna Allen//FM BL//The Rebel Phaze Quartet(ft. Bashi Rose/Luke Stewart/Warren Trae Crudup III/Ryan Easter)


In total solidarity with the people of Palestine, and with all oppressed and occupied people of the world, P.I.T. commits to adhering to the Palestinian international call for Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS) and to complying with the underlying guidelines of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).

P.I.T. Commits To:
• boycotting any cultural product or event funded, commissioned, or sponsored by an official Israeli body
• boycotting collaboration and financial support from Israeli institutions
• refusal of "normalization" efforts seeking to justify Israel's violence or present a false symmetry between oppressed & oppressor
• advocating for others to similarly divest from Israel, ending support for the oppression of Palestinians, and pressuring Israel to comply with international law