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Militant Cinema in Monterrey: Rubble As Archival Allegory — a Screening + Conversation with Eden Bastida Kullick

Through the projection of fragments of recently digitized militant films and videotapes (8mm, Super8, and Hi8), shot in Monterrey between the 1970’s and 1990’s, an attempt will be made to take a tour of the history of incorporating cinema in social and political struggles in Northern Mexico. This topic, seldomly explored in the history of independent political cinema in Mexico, will serve as a lens toquestion and think about the use, preservation, and cataloging of this type of cinema. As well as take into account the essence and significance of these audiovisual registers as fragments consisting of unfinished films and raw footage and consider its afterlife in society

While the footage screened is silent, the conversation will be in Spanish with limited English interpretation. This event is organized in collaboration with Archivistas en Espanglish.

April 20

Spoon Jackson NO MOON Record Release Listening Party

April 21

Autonomias and Worlds Otherwise w/ Raúl Zibechi